Wanda Diaz Merced is an astronomer who has had a visual impairment for most of her life, and attended school during a time when there was less awareness for the needs of students with disabilities. She grew up in Puerto Rico, where like all children, she became an observer to the world around her. “Even though my parents were poor and I had no exposition to science activities besides the science class in my school, I always knew I wanted to know how things worked.” Merced said of her life. This intrinsic curiosity about the natural world would lead Merced to pursue science as a professional career.
Read moreYouth Slam Puts Science in the Hands of Blind and Visually Impaired Kids
Blind children are often not given an opportunity to get involved with STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) subjects. Nemeth code is not often introduced, and main streamed students simply don’t get access to biology, physics, and chemistry in the same way their sighted peers do. Youth Slam, run by the National Federation for the Blind’s National Center for Blind Youth in Science (NCBYS) is stepping in to change all of that.
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